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Great news: you can now accept credit card payments directly into your business checking account! 🎉

Your account is officially set up to accept credit card payments from Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express all at the same transaction rate (yes, even for AMEX).

Your customers can pay you by adding their payment information to your unique payment form or by clicking the “pay” button on an invoice.

When customers click to pay an invoice or submit payment via your Payment Link, here is what they’ll see:

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Autobooks charges just 3.49% per card transaction. 

As an Autobooks customer, you:

✅ Pay the same transaction fee for so-called “standard” cards and for much more common "specialty" cards that let your customers earn rewards
âś… Aren't locked into a long-term contract
âś… Won't ever have to pay penalties for not meeting arbitrary monthly minimums (even if your business is young, has seasonal cycles, or is prone to "feast or famine")
âś… Will never be charged to stop using Autobooks

With Autobooks, you pay just 3.49% on credit card transactions, funds land directly into your account, and you can stop worrying about meeting a minimum, being locked into a long-term contract, or saying "no" to customers who want to pay with a credit card.

Ready to get started?

Login to Autobooks and get paid

1505 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48226