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Invoices: They’re now even easier to set up, share, and track

Written by Autobooks | Jan 31, 2024 3:51:10 PM

We’ve made several updates to our invoices to make them even easier to set up and track.

We’ve made some important changes to the user experience when it comes to creating invoices, including the addition of an auto-save feature that keeps your progress intact in draft format. In addition, recurring invoices are now easier to track with a new status. Businesses also now have the option to share a link to an invoice, providing flexibility in how they send invoices to customers. All updates are now available. 

Here are a few more details about this update: 

Auto-save for invoices 

Once you’ve input your customer’s information into a new invoice template, your invoice will be automatically saved as a draft. On the right side of your screen, you will see a message confirming that your draft has been saved at the current time.   

Because your invoice is saved automatically as a draft, you can always exit the template screen and return to your invoice at any time. See below for more. 


New ‘Draft’ status 

‘Draft’ will now appear as a status in the list of invoices. 

To access your draft, select the Invoices tab. You will see your draft in the list provided — clearly labelled as Draft. When you click a specific draft, you will see several options to the right of the list:  

  • Edit Draft Invoice 
  • Copy Draft Invoice 
  • Cancel Draft Invoice 

If you wish to return to your draft, click the first option, Edit Draft Invoice. 


Payment link for invoices  

Now invoices can be shared via a payment link, in addition to the standard email delivery. This new feature provides the benefit of the Autobooks payment form link, but with your invoice as the link destination. 

You will now see the option to Copy Invoice Payment Link when you select a completed invoice from your list of invoices — accessed via the Invoices tab. Click this link to copy and share your payment link (such as through text message or by email). 


Expired status for recurring invoices 

For users taking advantage of recurring invoices, a new status has been added that shows schedules that have been completed, or Expired. This status will only appear on those invoices in the Invoice Schedules tab, making it easy to find.  

Also, an email will be sent out to the user, to notify them that the recurring invoice schedule has ended, and will prompt them to log into Autobooks and create a new schedule for those invoices, if necessary. 


Ready to collect payments with the updated invoice features? 

Get started today by logging into your financial institution checking account and following the Send invoice prompts on your dashboard. 


Want to learn other ways to use our invoice? Be sure to visit the Autobooks Support Center for more information.

If you have more questions about these updates, let us know. Get help from an Autobooks small business specialist online: Submit a Support Request.